⚠️ Felony Charges for Teen Who "Disrespected Pride" 🏳️‍🌈

I don't always commit hate crimes, but when I do, I want them to be as cool as Dylan Brewer's...I'm only half kidding.

Just when you thought it was safe to go back out into society, our culture will make you instantly regret it.

It's been 7 whole months since I last saw you! Podcast, YouTube, Rumble, Email...all dark. After a well-deserved break,


The Joe Mobley Show is in full swing with better content, members-only after show, and lots of top-tier guests. I couldn't do what I do without you and your support. So, thank you.

So much has happened since we last spoke. It's impossible to really catch up. I figured we'd just jump in. Welcome back to the clown world. Iran's Houthi henchmen are terrorizing the world, sinking British and American ships, and even managed to shoot down a reaper drone!

Now, I'm no alarmist, but we really are teetering on the edge of global conflict. That's fancy talk for WWIII. You'd think these alarming and important topics would be all over the headlines, right?


Instead of stories that really matter, Florida is dominating headlines for charging a teen with a felony hate crime for disrespecting the pride flag. Now, if he disrespected the American flag--you know, the one draped on the caskets of deceased veterans--desecrating that flag is no problem at all.

But the pride flag...oh no! Don't you dare.

Don't be left in the dark. I cover all these topics and more in my latest podcast. Check it out on YouTube!

Oh yeah...YouTube does podcasts now. Check it out 👇🏾👇🏾👇🏾

Ep. 210 | Burnout on Pride Crosswalk FELONY | Houthis Attack | WW3 Fox News

I wish I could say this is the worst of it, but we both know that's a lie. Just this week, we've already suffered from a major cyber attack against America's communications infrastructure...Kind of like exactly what happened in Obama's crappy Netflix movie Leave The World Behind 🤔🤔🤔

Don't worry, you conspiracy theorist. The government is hard at work lying about all of it.

You must be wondering what you can do to ease these concerns. Will anything make you more comfortable?

The obvious answer is YES...our new merch!

Head over to my new and improved SHOP and get yourself some top notch merch. You asked for it, so we've added an all new merch logo to all our products.

Now, you can support the movement and rep the show.

I can't thank you enough for supporting this wild and crazy journey I'm on. I couldn't do any of this without you.

2024 is gonna be a bumpy one. Strap in and let's get through this thing 😎



The Joe Mobley Show

Podcast fighting to restore, rebuild & revive America’s culture ✝️ ⚔️

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